Jun 6, 2010 - GREAT ISLAND, Old Lyme, CT from boat launch at end of Smith Neck Rd. Connecticut River Estuary Canoe/Kayak Trail. Started ~3 hours before low tide. Great Island undeveloped, mainland lightly developed. After exploring the shallow bay behind Griswold Point went around the point & into Long Island Sound, played in moderate 1'+ waves. S wind was picking up so back (small standing waves created by wind opposing the current were interesting) & up a creek into the heart of Great Island. Back out & N up Judges Creek to Watch Rock, landing a bit rough but nice spot for a break. Poked into Duck River before heading back S. Just had to go back & look at Griswold Point at low tide - Sound now white-capped. Up the Black Hall River before calling it a day. Mute swans, lots of osprey, great & snowy egrets, gulls, terns, sandpipers, plovers, willet, crabs. My favorite place to paddle in CT - great variety, wildlife. 4 hours. WS Zephyr 160 Pro.

Sep 11, 2006 - CONNECTICUT RIVER, SELDEN CREEK & WHALEBONE COVE kayaking from Lyme, Ct. Launch next to Chester-Hadlyme Ferry ($3 cars). Tidal freshwater. Fairly peaceful on this Monday. Downstream (against incoming tide, of course) on river alongside undeveloped Selden Neck (an island) & campsites - forested & some rock. W shore of river has light development. Turned upstream (with incoming tide) into Selden Creek for 3 miles then back into river at N end of island - nice wide creek with shores of wild rice marsh, woods & rocky outcrops. Into Whalebone Cove past some cliffs, ponds to Roaring Brook road bridge. Mute swans, osprey. 10 miles, 4.5 hours. Swift Saranac 14, a 14' touring kayak. Walked up the hill from parking area to Gillette Castle - great view of river & ferry.

Sep 10, 2006 - GREAT ISLAND area kayaking, Old Lyme, Ct. Paddled thru break in Griswold Point & into LONG ISLAND SOUND (waves up to 1.5'), turned E for a bit then returned to lunch on the beach point with views across the sound & mouth of the Connecticut River at high tide. Up the BLACKHALL RIVER (light home development) for over 2 miles, returned with outgoing tide. Cut across Great Island's saltwater marsh to CONNECTICUT RIVER (some waves from motorboats), Lieutenant River & back on protected E side of island. Cormorants, ospreys, snowy & great egrets, gbh, mute swans, marsh hawk. Very interesting area. P&H Quest, a 17'7" sea kayak.

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