Jan 19, 2021 - Bailey Pond & Cobble Hill (2,234'), Hoffman Notch Wilderness, from Loch Muller.
Marked trail to the pond, bushwhack up the hill. There was a moderate amount of beech whips, we saw little in the way of open woods, the view south was quite nice despite persistent snow showers, & slopes were moderate+.
That being said, the scenery was beautiful & I only fell once going uphill & descended upright. 13-15" of snow, however, there was breakable icy crust 2-5" down in the mix - good to very good skiing but not as good conditions as 13th Lake area. 6 miles, just under 1,000' gross elevation gain, 5.2 hours.

Jan 19, 2017 - BIG MARSH ski from Loch Muller. Hoffman Notch Wilderness received 4" of heavy wet snow over the last 48 hours. Road plowed to the old hotel but the 0.3 miles to trailhead parking area was not plowed since this last snowfall, altho it looks like it does get plowed at times. Sign-in register filled in September & not replaced - I suspect this area gets very little attention from the ranger. Good intermediate skiing on 15"-18". Glacial erratics, lots of balsam fir; several downed trees that we either had to go over or around. Big Marsh is a scenic pond surrounded by mountains that rise up to 2,000' above. Temp in mid 30s. Rolling terrain; elevations 1,550'-1,750'. 8.6 miles, 5.4 hours.

Feb 22, 2015 - HOFFMAN NOTCH from the north.

Feb 22, 2009 - HOFFMAN NOTCH from Blue Ridge Rd. Parking area not plowed recently, we shoveled out one spot. 8" powder on good base, snowing lightly, temp around freezing, a bit sticky in the afternoon (make sure you use Maxiglide or Easy Glide on skis to minimize sticking). Worth a short sidetrip to bottom of wonderful icy waterfalls W of trail. Scenic brook much of the way, crossings easy. Gain over 500' on way in, fun run out. Lunch at Big Marsh. 7.4 miles, 4.6 hours.

Feb 10, 2008 - HOFFMAN NOTCH & BIG MARSH. Over a foot of base with over a foot of powder - excellent. Headed N from Loch Muller. Pleasant stretch next to a stream, several dips into stream crossings (good snow bridges generally), many short ups & downs, some blowdown. Nice mountain views from the pond at Big Marsh - Hoffman Mt rises over 2,000' above, Texas & Washburn Ridges with snow-covered trees. Marten, grouse. Intermediate. Fischer Rebound skis. 8 miles, 5 hours.


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