MILE OF LEDGES hike, Tunxis Trails, Burlington CT.

June 3, 2018 - MILE OF LEDGES hike, from Sessions Woods WMA, Burlington CT. S on Beaver Pond Trail past Summer House. L thru camping area then steeply down to Negro Hill Brook. R on Tunxis Black Dot Trail (black dot on blue paint blaze) uphill for a while. Lots of mountain laurel. Past some rocks. Past/thru lots more boulders - the Great Wall. L on Tunxis Yellow Dot Trail, soon cross a road. Trail zigzags up a cliff to Hemenway Lookout (no view). Pass edge of private property with chickens & a donkey. 0.2-mile road walk on Greer Rd to Martha Brower Wildlife Sanctuary & Country Pond . Lots of short steep ups & downs in the MoL. On return took the red trail on E side of Country Pond. Yellow Dot Trail to Beaver Pond Trail (gravel) at Sessions. Just before I got to the BPT I spot a Big black male bear (guessing 500 lbs) on the trail coming in my direction! I rapped my pole against a rock & trees & got its attention. It looked at me for a few seconds then turned around. I only got 1 lousy photo,. Took a break at the Beaver Pond before heading out. In a couple of spots, found fallen Tulip Tree blossoms on the ground. Trails were mostly dry. Light mosquito activity - used DEET. Temp rising thru the 60s.  8.5 miles, 6 hours.…/upl…/mile_of_ledges_082516.pdf


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