Sep 18, 2023 (Mon) - Put in on South Creek off Rt. 3. Short distance N to Middle Saranac & kept heading N (W end of the lake has private shores with a few camps) to the channel that leads into Weller. There was a small group of canoers camping at the lean-to on the E side of Hungry Bay. Paddled around the edge of WP & stopped at the lean-to for lunch - this one is new & on a nice spot with a filtered view of the water, the old one was a bit closer to the water. Headed back to the channel, saw a loon, & soon took a L & into round Little Weller. Back to MSL, saw 2 loons, headed past islands toward where the Saranac River exits the lake, Ampersand & Stony Creek Mtns in view with the Sewards in the distance, a group with kayaks & a moboats was camping nearby. Went quite a ways down the wide river with buoys (motors are allowed) but turned around before reaching the lock. Back to start past more islands. No bad bugs. The forecast was not promising but we ended with increasing blue skies & just a light breeze, temp ~60F. 12 miles, 4.8 hours. Spent the next 3 nights at a cabin on Lake Clear.

May 6 & 7, 2007 - a small group of us camped at the old lean-to on Weller and bushwhacked up Boot Bay Mountain.

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