Dec 3, 2020 - TONGUE MOUNTAIN loop hike, from Clay Meadow. Up to the ridge trail. Early part of trail had mud &duck under blowdown.

Brooks were flowing thanks to recent rains, a dusting of snow, temp ~40F.

S then L up to the lean-to on Fifth Mtn -clean but a few things left behind like a sleeping bag & a small can of baked beans (I carried out the latter), nice views, could see the snowy ski trails on Gore.

Then there are 3 bumps (4th, 3rd & 2nd Peaks?) to go over before getting to French Point Mtn - dropping down off the first 2 was very steep & I had to use all 5 appendages (feet, hands, & butt) at times. Some views along the way & very nice at French Point - can see a lot of Lake George, only saw 2 boats.

Very nice view on First Peak.

The loop via trails is over 14 miles but with limited daylight this time of year we decided to bushwhack NW thru open woods down to the NW Bay Trail - had to skirt some ledges on the whack but otherwise fairly easy & dry walking. Hit the trail just S of Bear Point.

NW Bay Trail was wet, muddy, with roots & rocks, less pleasant than the whack, it was nice being down by the water tho. One last hill to go over, legs tired. Getting dark & got out at twilight. 11.5 miles, over 3,000' gross elevation gain, 7.5 hours. I carried spikes & down puffy but did not use them.


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