KUNJAMUK RIVER paddling, Adirondack Park

Aug 22, 2023 - KUNJAMUK RIVER north of Elm Lake. We put in off Elm Lake Rd (dirt) where it comes closest to N end of Elm Lake - 100-yard carry down to the river then 100' of nasty wetness to get to water that is deep enough to float a boat. Headed upstream through a wide marshy area. When the river turns E there is a lilypad-filled pond to the N which we checked on the way back. Alders became prominent along the shoreline then higher ground with trees. Saw some cardinal flowers & lots of Joe-Pye weed. After ~2 miles there is a camp on the L & downed trees became more plentiful but someone has been thru with a saw & made it navigable. An empty logging truck went by on Fly Creek Rd (dirt). Had to get out & pull over 2 beaver dams before reaching the Long Level bridge & a 3rd N of the bridge. Stopped for lunch & turned around after going 4.8 miles from Elm Lake. Looks like there is a cell tower on East Mtn., otherwise most of the trip was quite wild & very enjoyable. No bad bugs on the water, and minimal mosquito activity on land. 10.1 miles, 5.5 hours. Now I have finally paddled every section of the Kunjamuk between the Sacandaga River & the pond on state land N of the Speculator Tree Farm.


Nov 18, 2016 -
KUNJAMUK RIVER canoeing, Speculator. Put in on Duck/Kunjamuk Bay. Water level fairly high thanks to recent rain. Soon hit our 1st beaver dam on this twisty stream, there is a good sneak route around it on river L. Had to get out for 3 more beaver dams & just paddled hard up a couple more. Stopped for lunch on W shore of Elm Lake; there are 3 camps on the E shore. Going downstream, had to get out for 1.5 beaver dams & ran the rest; faster thanks to the current. Ducks, chickadees. Temp rising thru the 50's, no wind. 5.1 hours.

Aug 21, 2016 - SACANDAGA & KUNJAMUK RIVERS. 5.5 miles. Put in at Kunjamuk Bay & paddled downstream on the Sac for 1.5 miles - one small class 1 rapid taken on river R. Pretty but too close to road. Back to the bay & up the Kunjamuk soon having to go around a 2.5' beaver dam. Stopped for lunch 1.25 miles upstream. Rain in the forecast so headed out. Otters. Some mosquitoes at the take-out.

Jul 19, 2015 - UPPER KUNJAMUK from Long Level Rd in Speculator Tree Farm. From Old Rt.30 drove up dirt Fly Creek Rd (rough, high clearance desirable) for 3.5 miles then L on Long Level to bridge; later, drove out on dirt Elm Lake Rd (longer but much smoother). Paddled upstream for 3.6 miles, just past where I put in last Oct 5. Went over at least a dozen beaver dams. Very scenic as mountains rise up over 1,000' above the stream, shores varied from grassy to wooded. Great views of cliffs on Big Pine Mtn. Some deerflies while on the water, a few mosquitoes when I stopped for lunch. Continued below the bridge for 0.6 miles, over a beaver dam & small tree, under another tree & turned back at a logjam. Shallower & a bit more current in this section. Lots of flowers, butterflies & damselflies. 8.1 miles, 4.7 hours.

Oct 5, 2014 - UPPER KUNJAMUK RIVER.  From Old Route 30 6.2 mile drive on Fly Creek Rd, a fair dirt road in the Speculator Tree Farm.  Drove past the Long Level Bridge to a gate near where there used to be a bridge across the river.  Breezy & temp barely reached 50F.  Paddled upstream 1.4 miles, going over 4 beaver dams, to old fish barrier dam (now on state land), not maintained by humans but beavers have helped keep it up, a campsite & jeep road to the W.  Paddled around the shallow 1.3-mile-long flow above the dam, many white pines along the shoreline.  Saw lots of ducks, a gaggle of geese, 2 otters, a northern harrier & a beaver on top of his lodge.  Had trouble finding the KR upstream in the marshy area to the NE. Returned past my put-in & went 1.3 miles further downstream going over one beaver dam & turning around at another.  Views of the cliffs on Upper Pine Mtn close-by to the E;  Doug & East Mtns prominent to the SW.  River here is fairly deep & 20' to 30' wide with lots of backwaters.  Shores are varied, very scenic area - I need to explore more of the river from here down to Elm Lake.  8.2 miles, 4.5 hours.  Camped at Mason Lake (limited primitive camping, most of the old on-water campsites have been closed, map) - saw an adult loon & one juvenile, no sounds other than owls.  Could hear logging activities early Monday morning.

May 2 - KUNJAMUK RIVER.  High water level, good current - no beaver dams to get out for.  Lots of twists & turns.  Kunjamuk Bay to Elm Lake & back.  3 cottages on Elm otherwise undeveloped.  Bittern, 3 hawks high above (Harriers?).  4 hours.

July 22, 2006 - KUNJAMUK RIVER, Speculator from rec area across Rt.30 from Lake Pleasant.  Launched into the Sacandaga River (the outlet of Lake Pleasant).  Paddled thru wide marsh with fields of purple-flowered pickerel weed 1.5 miles to mouth of the Kunjamuk; saw many black ducks.  Soon came to 1st beaver dam - ended up having to get out of the canoe 5 times for beaver dams upstream & only once downstream.  Very scenic winding route with mostly wooded shores.  Under 2 bridges (dirt logging roads/mountain bike trails/snowmobile trails) & into Elm Lake where there are 3 cabins on E shore, W shore haevily wooded.  Continued up inlet for half mile to good-sized beaver dam & headed back.  Stopped at 1st bridge & walked E for 0.25 miles to the Kujamuk Cave.  Deer, beaver; colorful flowers (incl. cardinalflower) & flowering shrubs.  Very light mosquito (on shore) & deerfly activity - no need for DEET.  13.2 miles paddling, 6.8 hours.  Dagger Legend, a 16' tandem canoe that turns nicely on twisty rivers/streams & its Royalex construction allows for crashing over beaver dams.

Nov 4, 2004 - Sacandaga & Kunjamuk Rivers canoeing. Put-in from Speculator's recreation area on Rt.30. Wanted to paddle somewhere with snow on the ground - a couple inches here. Snowing lightly all day despite temps being a little above freezing. The well-dressed paddler is unperturbed by conditions such as these. Paddle down the Sacandaga & its wide marshy shores for 1.5 miles then take a L up the Kunjamuk. A beaver dam is soon encountered & we carry (slide) to the R (river L). Paddling the winding Kunjamuk is made easier when the bow paddler knows their draws & sweeps. The snow on overhanging trees accented their reflections in the water. We go over another beaverdam - our Chota Mukluks keep our feet dry. A few bends past a bridge we encounter a tree across the river & decide to turn back here. The land is owned by International Paper & no camping is allowed except at designated sites along the dirt roads. As we re-enter the Sacandaga we spot 3 otters, fish in mouths, doing lunch. We stop & watch for a few minutes - otters seem as curious about us as we are of them. Bell Northwind, a 17'6" tandem Kevlar canoe, is always a joy to paddle with just the right blend of primary & secondary stability, tracking & turning, durability & light weight, speed & seaworthyness, beauty & utility. 3.5 hours.

Nov 4, 2002 - Sacandaga & Kunjamuk Rivers canoeing. Put-in from Speculator's recreation area on Rt.30. Wanted to paddle somewhere with snow on the ground - a couple inches here. Snowing lightly all day despite temps being a little above freezing. The well-dressed paddler is unperturbed by conditions such as these. Paddle down the Sacandaga & its wide marshy shores for 1.5 miles then take a L up the Kunjamuk. A beaverdam is soon encountered & we carry (slide) to the R (river L). Paddling the winding Kunjamuk is made easier when the bow paddler knows their draws & sweeps. The snow on overhanging trees accented their reflections in the water. We go over another beaverdam - our Chota Mukluks keep our feet dry. A few bends past a bridge we encounter a tree across the river & decide to turn back here. Land is owned by International Paper & no camping is allowed. As we re-enter the Sacandaga we spot 3 otters, fish in mouths, doing lunch. We stop & watch for a few minutes - otters seem as curious about us as we are of them. Bell Northwind, a 17'6" tandem Kevlar canoe, is always a joy to paddle with just the right blend of primary & secondary stability, tracking & turning, durability & light weight, speed & seaworthyness, beauty & utility. 3.5 hours. Checked out the road to G Lake to see if it was skiable (yes, we had our skis with us) but it only had 2 or 3 inches of snow & too many bare spots. Auger Falls walk. Parking area is 1.5 miles NW of junction of Rts. 8 & 30 between Wells & Speculator. Starting at Auger Flats on the Sacandaga River we follow the river downstream along a rough path. Rapids increase in difficulty until the roaring falls are reached in about 20 min. Quite the contrast between the calm section we had paddled earlier & the intensity of the falls as they drop thru a steep-walled gorge - there are no falls in the Adirondacks more spectacular. Return away from river on yellow-marked trail & loop back to car.



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