THIRTEENTH LAKE hiking & camping - warm days with a fair amount of sun, no snow.

April 21, 2019 Easter Sunday - walked down the W side of the lake (elevation 1,675'), which still had ice over 90% of its surface, passing 2 bc campsites, then turned NW on trail toward Peaked Mtn  Pond -several wet spots on marked trails, but not too muddy.  Peaked Mtn Brook had many nice waterfalls thanks to high water.  A brook crossing would mean wet feet.  From brook crossing, bushwhacked E up LITTLE THIRTEENTH LAKE MOUNTAIN - mostly open hardwoods & dry underfoot.  Got a peek at Peaked Mtn thru the leafless trees.  Summit is a bit over 2,500'.  Dropped a little to the SE to open rocky area with view.  Dropped down to the E then NE, crossed a brook, then to a ledge (2,000') with view of N end of lake & Gore Mtn.  NE down to 2nd brook & followed that down to campsite #11 near the trailhead.  Loon (& calls), mergansers, gulls, raven, grouse.  4+ hours.

Gore in the background:

April 22, Earth Day - loon calls (wail, tremolo, yodel) around daybreak, + music from white-throated sparrow & pileated woodpecker.  Went W up along brook behind campsite #11 - quite a few unofficial flagging markers along S side of brook - up to the col between Little & BIG THIRTEENTH LAKE MOUNTAIN.  Whacked N & soon came out onto an open area of mossy rock with nice views across the Siamese Ponds Wilderness.  Up to the 2,780' summit where views were ok - could see the garnet mine on Ruby Mtn.  Wanted to get an unobstructed view of the rocky faces of Peaked (2,919') & Slide (2,868') Mtns, so dropped very steeply down the W side but that took me into nasty spruce/balsam so I retreated but soon stumbled upon some nice ledges & got my view - Snowy Mtn could also be seen.  13th Lake now 50% ice-free.  4 hours.

Peaked & Slide Mountains:
Puffer & Bullhead Mtns in the distance:
Puffer & Bullhead beyond Hour Pond Mountain:

April 23 - a day of rest, temp got up to 70F; the ice had no chance today, still some ice in the afternoon but gone by sunset.  No biting bugs yet but there were some "house"flies that kept landing on exposed skin; 5 turkeys flew in, landed & ran up a nearby brooklet; more looney tunes.

Oct 2017 - LITTLE 13TH LAKE MOUNTAIN bushwhack. Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area. Start from behind walk-in campsite #11 at N end of 13th Lake. Soon found some flagging going my way (west) staying S of an intermittent stream. Lost the flagging & refound it for a short distance in the col between Little & Big 13th. Grade got easier going S, found the summit after going 1.2 miles & after gaining over 800'. ~2,550'. Open mossy area at actual summit but trees block views so searched for open spots. Found some - best views were S into the wilderness area but also to Gore, Moxham, Bullhead & Puffer Mtns; the S end of the lake shimmered below. Figured I would drop steeply & hope to find some lower ledges with views. Found 1 good one after dropping 400' - view to Gore. Dropped down very steeply & after going <1 mile from the summit, what do I see in front of me? A thunderbox! I knew then that I had come out near backcountry campsite #10. 0.35 mile on blue Lake Trail back to start. 3.1 miles, 3.3 hours. Still time to take a 1 hour paddle on the lake. 3 loons (1 juvenile), pileated woodpecker, deer.

Gore Mtn in the background:
Puffer & Bullhead Mountains:


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