THIRTEENTH LAKE paddling & camping
In New York State, anyone in a boat under 21' (includes canoe, kayak, SUP, rowboat) must wear a life jacket from Nov 1 thru May 1 - in warmer months it must be readily available. Children under 12 years of age must wear one at all times. So... On April 23, 2019 at Thirteenth Lake in the Adirondacks, with some ice still on the surface, I see these... 5 people not wearing life jackets, including kids! 2019 - THIRTEENTH LAKE hiking & camping - warm days with a fair amount of sun, no snow. April 21, Easter Sunday - walked down the W side of the lake (elevation 1,675'), which still had ice over 90% of its surface, passing 2 bc campsites, then turned NW on trail toward Peaked Mtn Pond -several wet spots on marked trails, but not too muddy. Peaked Mtn Brook had many nice waterfalls thanks to high water. A brook crossing would mean wet feet. From brook crossing, bushwhacked E up LITTLE THIRTEENTH LAKE MOUNTAIN - mostly open hardwoods & dry underfoot. Got a peek at Pea...