AIKEN WILDERNESS xc skiing & hiking near Woodford VT
Jan 2, 2017 - AIKEN WILDERNESS ski, southern Green Mtn NF. Woodford State Park. Across Adams Reservoir. Path behind campsite 64 down to & across 3 beaver meadows/ponds. No official signs or trail markers in the wilderness. L on Old Dewey Road to Tin Can Junction - 2 moose passed thru here very recently judging by the fresh tracks. Bushwhack W to Beaver Meadows, headwaters of the W Br Deerfield River. Downstream thru beaver ponds - some thin ice. Bushwhack W into the woods to trail to W edge of the wilderness area. Excellent skiing on close to 2' of snow. Elevation 2,300'-2,500'. 8.7 miles, 6 hours. Oct 10, 2016 - AIKEN WILDERNESS hike, from Woodford State Park, VT. Took the Reservoir Loop Trail on W side of Adams Reservoir. S of the reservoir took a R on unmarked rocky path at a 4-way intersection. Soon at a beaver meadow. Followed its edge, crossed stream in the woods to a small meadow ...