Are You Ready for Late-Fall Adventures?
ARE YOU PREPARED FOR LATE-FALL ADVENTURES? The fall foliage season has ended and we are now in the fall it's-beginning-to-feel-a-lot-like-winter season, but there is no reason we have to curtail our outdoor activities as long as we prepare ourselves accordingly. Weather-wise, November can be all over the place, with the possibility of some warm sunny days but some brisk and breezy days are also highly likely. December weather, especially in the Adirondacks, takes a big step toward winter. So, whether you plan to hike, paddle, or ski, now is the time to plan and prepare for the possibilities. In Albany last year, 45% (27.9”) of the seasonal snowfall fell in December, most of it at the beginning of the month. Whereas, in the central Adirondacks, Indian Lake received close to average snowfalls, with 22.4” in December, 30.1” in January, and 28.5” in February. This year, winter has already fired off some early warning shots with a coating of snow in late October, which quickl...