On August 30, 2022, the towns of Westport and Essex experienced a microburst that caused a tremendous amount of storm damage, including significant blowdown in the Split Rock Mountain Wild Forest. Many trails are completely impassable at this time. DEC staff and Forest Rangers will work to clear blowdown from trails. Oct 10, 2020 - SPLIT ROCK MOUNTAIN loop, from Lewis Clearing Bay Trailhead. Counterclockwise this time. There is a good lookout to the W before Ore Bed. Spur to Ore Bed Overlook for great views to VT, Lake Champlain & High Peaks. Could not find South Rocks Overlook - don't believe a marked trail exists. Essex Overlook has limited views to Burlington - saw 2 Essex Ferries going in opposite directions. Good fall foliage colors but a lot of leaves down already. Lewis Clearing Bay Trail to unmarked Snake Den Harbor Trail - saw the eagles' nest but no eagles, just turkey vultures flying by - several viewpoints along this spur trail....